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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm back. Europa is making Headlines...

Is there life on Europa? Jupiters famous moon? you decide.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My favorite Diner...Wally's Home Kitchen Cafe

Tasty Burger!

My nephew Alex at the Bruins Game

Chinese Food!

Greek Salad King!

my buddy eddie with his bike

Hello Loyal Readers and Friends...

My busy life as an astronomer has taken me away from my computer for many months. I travelled to far away lands, and charted star systems from the tops of great mountains. In Tibet, i was befriended by a strange group of elders. The recognized my Masonic Ring, and initiated me into their strange sect. I was brought into a cave which led to a huge grotto. I couldn't tell if it was naturally carved that way, or was it constructed by men? The elders weren't sure, as they told me it was always there, even before the tribe's recorded history. Further into the cave, was a drawing, that, to the amateur would look like primitve marks made on the was a Star Chart! of a system that wasn't discovered until 1969. How could a star chart, ages old, have been charted on a cave wall? I don't know.

The elders told me of a legend that before man had settled the mountain regions, a race of strange creatures with godlike powers had travelled to earth from a far reaching universe, where the laws of physics were completely different from that of our own world. I was taught many meditation techniques, hypnosis, and a way of astral travelling to dimensions hitherto unknown.

I have made it back to the real world, it is very surrealistic, coming back into the modern world after having been away for so many months. In a later blog, i will reveal more of my journey thruout the world seeking astronomical phenomona.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Here is my buddy danny...his favorite pizza is HANOVER HOUSE OF PIZZA!

I bought some pizza when i went on a white water rafting trip...
I went to the lodge and took the left-over pizza to the camp, and when i was hungry,
I re-heated the pizza over the FIRE!

Cape Cod Cafe Pizza! Only Available in the CITY OF CHAMPIONS! BROCKTON, MA

Here is a great cheese pizza from Georgios!

This is a home made pizza i made with pepperoni, peppers, cheese, and onions.

I don't want the pizza blog to get to long. I love pizza, it is the best food ever invented.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Strange Masonic Pictures...

a group of royal arch masons and candidates after the sublime Degree of THE HOLY ROYAL ARCH
Royal Arch Mason in Costume for Degree work

Royal Arch Masons preparing for secret Degree Work

Breakfast! eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and homefries!

another scrumptious omelette with toast and homefries

Some of my council friends before doing a degree.

These are officers of The Royal Arch/ Chapter

Marge and Sue at a family Christmas Party...notice the Masonic symbol in the background....with an altar underneat it.

these are my masonic buddies gathering for an installation of, jim, tom, and doug.

Hello Friends and Loyal Readers....

Today I am going into my foto archives and finding pictures of FREEMASONRY! I will put descriptions for each picture, but i can-not give out to much information...
I will be doing some more astronomy/scientific experiments, so stay tuned for more information on that....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Randomness of Summer

Steph and Karyn...
steph, alex, ella, mrs. estes, ethan, and greg....

mrs. estes, jenny, sue, ethan, autie gloria, and marge.

Yummy Vittles that i got at a lakeside restaurant in Maine....scallops, potato, and bbq beans.


The Patriots gang: Danny, Pat, Greg, Mike, Eric, and Andy.

Strange Masonic Ritual....I can't tell anything about this secret foto that i smuggled out of the Lodge.

ATVing in Main...Ed, Mike, Greg, Mike, and Brandon.

Hello Loyal Friends and Readers,
I have been on vacation, so I haven't updated my Blog recently, but i have some interesting stories and pictures to add to my blog.

1) I was studying the stars visually, we had gone up to Maine for a ATV, white water rafting trip. The stars were very visible without using binoculars or a telescope. I laid down in the middle of a field to study, and suddenly an unidentified flying object traversed the high altitude of the sky. I think it might have been either a satellite or space station. I called to some other guys that were haning around, and they saw it too....the picture of the gang is my ATV posse.
2) I was involved in a strange Masonic ritual. I can't tell to many details, but here is a picture of me in my costume. I was the Chaplain for the Royal Arch Degree.

3) My son Greg and I went to a New England Patriots pre-season football game, so up top is a picture of us having fun at the game.
4) Pizza!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Life as an Astronomer and Scientist

Hello loyal friends and readers. My life as a scientific astronomer is very interesting. Usually i like to work from 10pm to 6am. I have a giant observatory that is my HeadQuarters. I get up arount 9pm, take a shower, shave, and off to work i go. The observatory is in back of my house. I own 40 acres of land in the wilderness. I like that i can just walk to work. When i get in, i usually turn on the laser beam refractor that operates my telesope. While that is charging up, I look at my computer to see if anything new has come across the wire concerning the universe. If it has, i will get the co-ordinates and feed them into the computer. That will relay to the Telescope, telling it the co-ordiates to sight in on. If there is more than one set of co-ordinates, the computer will store them, site in on the first set, then when i'm done looking at that sector, i push a button at the base of the 'scope, and it will turn to the next set. Some nites i have 10 or more new phenoma to check out, but some nites i won't have any. When there are no new ones, i usually will "free scan" the universe, especially our solar-system to see what changes are occuring and how they might affect Earth.
On a lonely, cold nite in March, i was free scanning the solar system. I noticed a small asteroid in sector 571, mark 3, at 23 degrees. The gravitational pull from earth was keeping in a syncronized orbit parallel to the earths. I realized that when the earth's magnetic field increased in late september, the asteroid would be attracted to the earth and, at first, slowly pull towards our planet. As time goes on, the pull will become stronger, and the speed of the asteroid will increase proportionately. The middle of November will be Strike Point. I am re-doing my calculations daily, and i hope that something will change, or that i am completely wrong. Stay tuned for more info as i figure it out.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hello Friends! I am back to write this edition of my BLOG! the blog of an astronomer and scientist! ME!